Saturday, December 6, 2008

Duck Hunt Gun Game

Complete and working.

Game has electronic sound effects and 'recoil' when shooting.

Cabinet has some touch ups. Backglass and interior artwork in good condition.

Needs blockoff plate or microswitch for coin door. Gameplay works regardless.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Recessed Light Fixtures + Lenses

These are mostly bezels + lenses for fixtures that fit into the ceiling.

(6) ~10" Square Light Bezel and Flat Lens

(8) ~10" Square Bezel + Raised Lens

(3) ~10" Square Light Fixtures

(2) ~10"x14" Rectangular Fixtures

(2) ~12" Round Bezel + Lens

(2) ~10" Round Fixtures

Monday, July 9, 2007

Crane Toilets

Here are two Crane Drexel toilets. They were not leaking when pulled however the plumbing could probably use some refurbishing. They do not include a flush handle.

There is only one bone colored toilet available. It matches the two sinks listed.

Crane Bathroom Sinks

2 sinks available. They are both the same color (bone.)

Crane undermount.

Crane Criterion

Case Study House 20 (1958) master bath has a white critereon.

I don't have the criterion faucet + valves. I did see one at Architectural Detail in Pasadena ~ Feb 2006.

Friday, July 6, 2007

1964 Midway Trophy Gun Arcade Game

Plays great. Fun clown art + Tom and Jerry like theme.
Cabinet and interior artwork in decent original condition. Backglass is decent except it has masking tape on the back, over the shot count area. Rifle stock and deck were broken and repaired at some point.

More info about this game

Thursday, July 5, 2007

60s-70s Tappan Cookcenter

Unrestored, working when pulled 2 years ago. It could use a good cleaning + minor repair, paint.

2 small chips in the bakelite handle inserts. (The white line on the right is a cobweb ,not a crack.)

Sunday, July 1, 2007

1970s GE 24" Double Wall Oven

Probably operational when pulled 2 years ago.

Only has one broiler element (needs three other elements.) No racks. Some parts similar to 1950s-1960s models.